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YMCA Portadown was first established in 1903 and was reformed after a period in abayence in 1945.

The YMCA has been located on its current site since 1957 and in 2019 a new £1.4m youth centre was officially opened by the Earl of Caledon KCVO JP

The YMCA in Portadown operates a full time youth centre just West of the town centre.  Our programmes range from evening drop in sessions to specific needs based interventions for young people with particular focus on Health, Well being, youth development, International work, and Inclusion.

YMCA Portadown is managed by a local standing committee of the National Council of YMCAs of Ireland Ltd.


80 Jervis Street
BT62 3HD

00 44 28 3833 2321

Gordon Woosley
Email: gordon.woosley@ymca-ireland.net
Visit: ymcaportadown.com



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